Thief deadly shadows lockpicking not working
Thief deadly shadows lockpicking not working

I recommend you backup your t3.exe and t3main.exe files before applying this tweak, as the only way to undo it is to restore the original. Setting Processor Affinity Automatically: If you want to force the game to only use one of your CPUs automatically each and every time you run the game, see the instructions here for using the Imagecfg utility, a small Windows NT file you can safely copy into your \Windows\System32 directory and then use to permanently set the affinity for particular programs. Under the Processes tab, find the t3.exe and t3main.exe processes, right-click on each one, select 'Set Affinity' and in the box which appears, untick 'CPU 1'. Setting Processor Affinity Manually: Launch Thief: Deadly Shadows, and as soon as the game appears to begin loading, or after it has loaded up, press CTRL+ALT+DEL to bring up the Task Manager.

thief deadly shadows lockpicking not working thief deadly shadows lockpicking not working

To resolve this issue, use one of the methods below:

thief deadly shadows lockpicking not working

If you run a dual core CPU, such as a Pentium D or AMD X2, or even a Pentium 4 with HyperThreading, you may notice that the game has a range of problems, such as not loading up properly.

Thief deadly shadows lockpicking not working